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Children 0 through 2 years old can enjoy a variety of activities and entertainment while their parents participate in Sunday morning or Wednesday evening activities at the church.  Jesus loves babies and so do we! At First Assembly of God we take children and ministering to them very seriously. Your child's introduction to Jesus begins in the Nursery. 

We believe it is never too soon to begin to introduce a child to the love of God. Our Nursery is staffed by volunteers and loving parents, who serve one Sunday a month in the Nursery. They provide much more than babysitting. Your child is surrounded by an attitude of love, praise and teaching.  Your children are comforted,
​loved and nurtured. It is a joy to serve the Lord in such a wonderful ministry!


Proverbs 22:6 

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

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